Only if the primary controller is in inclusion or exclusion mode, this device can join or leave the network. Leaving the network - i.e. being
excluded - sets the device back to factory default.
If the device already belongs to a network, follow the exclusion process before including it in your network. Otherwise inclusion of this device
will fail. If the controller being included was a primary controller, it has to be reset rst.
Blinking red/green LED indicates that the device is in factory reset state. Once the controller is turned into inclusion mode triple click one of
the buttons on the device will include the device. A green blinking of LED will indicate successful inclusion that will be turned off shortly
afterwards. The device is excluded by triple click to one of the buttons when the controller is in exclusion mode.
Operating the device
The actuator is operated by the local switching paddles or wirelessly using Z-Wave commands (communication patterns 1, 4, 5 and 7). If the
insert is mounted correctly pushing the upper part of the paddle will turn the blind into the open position; pushing the lower part of the
paddle will turn the blind into the close position. Hitting the paddle during operation (moving motor) will stop the operation for safety
reasons. Keeping the paddle pushed moved the motor until the desired position is reached. Releasing the paddle will stop the motor.
The device is also able to report status changes to a controller (communication pattern 2) and to remotely operate other devices
(communication pattern 5) by sending wireless Z-Wave commands. In case the remote device is a switch as well the remote operation is
similar to the local operation by pushing upper to lower part of the switching paddle. However the device can also be con gured with
con guration parameter 13 and 14 to operate remote dimmers. To dim a remote device the paddle needs to be pushed and hold (upper part to
dim up, lower part to dim down). Its furthermore possible to assign remote operation functions to the double click of the paddles.
Child Protection
The device can be turn into a child protection mode. In this mode all local operation is disabled.
The child protection mode MUST be turned on wirelessly. However in protected by sequence mode it is possible to unlock the device for local
operation with a triple click. The unlock state will last for 5 seconds.
LED Control
Red and green blinking continuously: Device is not included in a Z-Wave network
Red lights up for 3 seconds: Device was not included/excluded after being put into learn mode by triple press of up/down button
Green lights up for 3 seconds: The inclusion/exclusion was successful or new association was saved successfully
Green or no light: depending on settings of con guration parameter for LED control
Z-Wave devices control other Z-Wave devices. The relationship between one device controlling another device is called
In order to control a different device, the controlling device needs to maintain a list of devices that will receive controlling commands. These
lists are called association groups and they are always related to certain events (e.g. button pressed, sensor triggers, ...). In case the event
happens all devices stored in the respective association group will receive a common wireless command.
Association Groups:
1 Single press and hold of up/down buttons (max. nodes in group: 14)
2 Double press and press-hold of up/down buttons (max. nodes in group: 14)
3 Send Reports on blind state change (max. nodes in group: 14)
Con guration Parameters
Z-Wave products are supposed to work out of the box after inclusion, however certain con guration can adapt the function better to user
needs or unlock further enhanced features.
IMPORTANT: Controllers may only allow to con gure signed values. In order to set values in the range 128
255 the value sent in the
application shall be the desired value minus 256. For example: to set a parameter to 200 it may be needed to set a value of 200 minus 256 =
minus 56. In case of two byte value the same logic applies: Values greater than 32768 may needed to be given as negative values too.
LED mode (Parameter Number 1, Parameter Size 1)