YX Technical department
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The status columns are specified as following:
Port No: The physical port sequence from 1 to 32.
Calls: Specify the total calls made out from this port since the last start up of system.
Alerted: Specify the total number of responded alerting message for all the calls made.
Connected: Specify the total number of answer from destination for all the calls made.
Consecutive Fails: Specify the consecutive fail calls.
No Carriers: Specify the no carrier.
PDD: Specify the average duration to receive the response of alerting message.
Tot CallDur: The port total calls duration used out from this port since the last start up of
Clear Data: Clear all data, restart statistics.
A total summary is displayed at the bottom of the table.
6.2 Device Status(SIP and Module)
The screenshot below shows the SIP and Module status.
The status columns are specified as following: