YSI 5X00
YSI 5X00
Calibration Logs
Calibration logs store sensor calibration data. Calibration logs are date and time
stamped and contain sensor and calibration information for completed calibra-
Certain calibration data is not available at the 5X00. Use AquaManager to view and
save calibration data to a PC. In addition to sensor system, time, date, and calibra-
tion method, AquaManager calibration logs include user input 1, user input 2, and
the original and new slope/offset information when applicable.
Event Logs
Control, Alarm, and Timer relays assigned to 5X00 systems create events when they
energize and de-energize. In addition, AC power fail, ethernet failure to initialize
errors and mode network failures create events. These events are recorded in the
Event log. Events identify the 5X00 system, are time stamped, and record relay on
and off times (if applicable). The General Alarm does not create an event or control
message unless a General Alarm relay is enabled.
Enable event logging in the System menu.
See Event Logging
- page 120 for
additional information.
E-Aux system event logs are stored at the local instrument whose E-Aux
system is being used and not at the device whose output is creating the event.
For example - if an IOEM channel 2, whose slave address is 4, is configured
as an E-Aux temperature input for a 5200A (slave 14), and a low temperature
control relay output for this slave 14 is configured to a 5500 (master), the 5200A
(slave 14) and not the master 5500 records the low temperature control events.
Sensor Logs
Enabled systems record sensor data based on data logging menu configuration.
Sensor logs identify sensor system, are date and time stamped, and record sensor
value at user configured intervals.
Data logging must be enabled in the System Menu. See Data Logging menu-
page 118 for additional information.
5X00 E-Aux system datalogs are not visible at the instrument.
AquaManager datalogs must be used to view E-Aux system datalogs;
Configuring the 5X00
Configuring the 5X00