YSI 5X00
*Near real-time - Map is updated several times a minute as AquaManager constantly
communicates with nodes during Autopolling.
Node mapping is available for direct and TCP/IP node communication types.
The following figure is an example of an AquaManager map.
AquaManager Alarm Emails
The PC running AquaManager can be configured to send an alarm email when data
received from the node is in alarm range. The alarm range or condition is based on
the node configuration. The node configuration is stored in the network database and
is verified and updated at each Autopoll SMS communication interval. Autopoller
must be running for AquaManager to generate alarm emails. Run Autopoller 24/7
to ensure that alarm emails are sent.
For the AquaManager alarm email to function properly, it may be necessary to send
a test email to each email address configured in the Email Alarm List in the Node
Properties window. Test emails can be sent in the AquaManager Properties window
under the Autopoller tab.
6 Maintenance
-Sensor Calibration Checks
-Sensor Maintenance
-Sensor Storage
-Charging DC batteries
-AquaManager database