FORM 160.67-O2
ISSUE DATE: 10/9/2020
When the chilled liquid flow switch contacts
close, the speed setpoint is increased to the Fixed
Rated Speed of 3600 RPM at 200 RPM/second
causing the governor valve to open rapidly. The
governor valve will continue to open until 3600
RPM is achieved. The vacuum pump is started
(if not already running) and latched on until the
chiller is shutdown.
Automatic Start: As the speed setpoint increases,
the governor valve and slow roll valve both open.
When the speed setpoint has increased to 500
RPM above the slow roll speed setpoint, the main
steam inlet valve control signal is ramped from 0
to 100% at 5%/second to open the valve.
Chillers manufactured after December 2006 are
supplied with separate automatic slow roll
bypass and main steam inlet valves.
The compressor pre-rotation vane control signal
is set to the PRV Minimum Open Position of 10%
as soon as the ramp-to-rated speed is begun. This
allows the vane actuator to begin moving the link-
age so that the vanes begin to move off of their
fully closed position by the time the minimum
rated speed is achieved.
The chiller controls initiate the following actions
based upon the sensed turbine speed:
After the speed has increased above 1500
RPM, the message "RAMPING TO RATED
SPEED" is displayed.
At 2000 RPM, the under-speed trip time de
lay is initiated. The turbine speed must now
be increased to 3200 RPM within 17 seconds
or the turbine will be tripped by the under
speed logic and the message "TURBINE
UNDERSPEED" is displayed.
c. If the turbine is equipped with an auxiliary
oil pump, and after the speed has increased
above 3000 RPM, if the turbine shaft driven
oil pump is producing sufficient pressure
to maintain the turbine supply oil pressure
above the set point of the turbine auxiliary
oil pump control set point, the turbine auxil-
iary oil pump will be stopped. The oil return
and liquid line solenoid valves are opened. If
the chiller is supplied with a solenoid valve
in the turbine steam ring drain line, it is de-
energized at this time.
Whenever the turbine bearing supply oil pressure
falls below the auxiliary oil pump control setting,
the auxiliary pump motor will be restarted.
At 3200 RPM, the under speed safety log
ic is enabled. If the speed falls below 3100
RPM for more than 60 seconds, the turbine
will be tripped by the under speed logic and
the message "TURBINE UNDERSPEED" is
e. At the minimum rated speed, the message
and the evaporator low-pressure cutout is
reduced to the normal cutout of 25 PSIG.
The turbine speed will continue to increase
to 3600 RPM. As the system head increases,
the anti-surge logic will position the speed
and vanes as required to maintain stable op-
20. After 5 seconds, the capacity control and com
pressor Variable Geometry Diffuser (VGD) logic
are enabled and the message "SYSTEM RUN" is
displayed. The speed will decrease to the calcu-
lated anti-surge minimum speed based on the cur-
rent system head. The hot gas bypass valve con-
trol signal is ramped down to 0% at 5 %/second
to close the valve. When the hot gas valve (HGV)
control signal is at 0%, the compressor pre-rota-
tion vanes (PRV) control signal is ramped up to
100% at 5 %/second.
Close the slow roll bypass valve.
Chillers manufactured after December 2006
require the manipulation of a slow roll by-
pass valve.
Automatic Start: The steam inlet slow roll bypass
solenoid valve is de-energized to close the bypass
Chillers manufactured after December 2006
supplied with a separate automatic slow roll
bypass valve.
The PRV and HGV ramped signals are used to
provide a controlled loading rate after the chiller
has been ramped up to the minimum rated speed
and the turbine stabilization delay has elapsed.
Regardless of the ramp rate setpoints, the chiller
capacity will only increase as fast as the HGV
closes and the PRV open based on the stroke rate
of the electric actuators. The rates shown above