FORM 160.67-O1
ISSUE DATE: 4/1/2015
ed above occur, the Soft Shutdown is terminated and it
will immediately perform a “System Coastdown”.
“Chiller unloading before Shutdown”
A Soft Shutdown is in effect. The LCLT Controller SP
is ramping up to a value equal to the return chiller liq-
uid temp +5 °F and the chiller capacity controls are
unloading the chiller. The chiller will be shutdown
when the hot gas valve signal has increased to 95%
(if HGV is Enabled) or the Soft Shutdown logic has
been unloading the chiller longer than the TDSP9-Soft
Shutdown Rampdown Timeout minutes entered on the
Time Setpoints Screen (if HGV is Disabled).
“System Coastdown”
The chiller has shut down and the Post-run lubrication
is being performed. The actual duration is determined
by the length of time required for the drive train to
coast to a complete stop.
“ Compressor Shtdn; Turbine Cooldown”
This message only applies to when the turbine is
supplied with an auxiliary oil pump and MSSP6-
Turbine Lubrication Type is set for Pump on the
Configuration Screen 1. It appears when the chiller
has been shut down and rotation has ceased for 35
seconds. The compressor oil pump has been stopped
and the turbine auxiliary oil pump will remain on until
the TDSP12-Turbine auxiliary Oil Pump Postlube time
shown on the Time Setpoints Screen has elapsed.
STarT inhibiT MeSSage
“Start inhibit - vanes uncalibrated”
This message will only appear during initial testing and
set up of a new panel or if the Microboard or BRAM
(U38) memory device on the Microboard has been
replaced. The pre-rotation vane position potentiometer
calibration procedure must be performed before the
chiller may be operated.
“vane Motor Switch open”
The chiller is inhibited from starting because the Pre-
rotation Vanes are not fully closed.
“Condenser – high pressure – Stopped”
The condenser pressure has exceeded 160.0 PSIG
(R134a), 240.0 PSIG (R22) while the chiller is shut-
down. A special reset procedure is required to clear this
message and allow the chiller to be started. Refer to
Form 160.67-M3, Section 23.
Warning MeSSageS
“Warning – real Time Clock failure”
During the initialization process that occurs when
power is applied to the Control Center, test data is writ-
ten to a location in the BRAM battery backed memory
device (IC location U38 on Microboard). This data is
then read from the BRAM and compared to the test
data. If the read data is not the same as that which was
written to the device, it is assumed the BRAM and Real
time Clock operation is defective and this message is
displayed. The BRAM should be replaced by a quali-
fied Service Technician. This message automatically
clears when the BRAM problem has been solved.
“Warning – Setpoint override”
A blank BRAM battery-backed memory device (IC lo-
cation U38 on Microboard) or a failure of this device
was detected during the initialization process that oc-
curs when power is applied to the Control Center. Due
to this failure, any or all of the programmed Setpoints
could have been corrupted. Therefore, all Setpoints
have been automatically changed to their Default
values. All Setpoints will have to be programmed to
their desired values. This message will clear when the
WARNING RESET key is pressed in OPERATOR (or
higher) access mode.
“ Warning – Compr Standby lube – low oil
A minimum of 15 PSID of oil pressure was not achieved
in the first 30 seconds of a Standby Lubrication cycle,
or the pressure decreased below this value during the
remainder of the cycle. This message will be displayed
and no further Standby Lubrications will be performed
until the WARNING RESET key is pressed in OPERA-
TOR (or higher) access mode.
Summary of Contents for YST
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