FORM 155.35-ICOM2.EN.CE/GB (1018)
DATE: 10/30/2018
FORM 155.31-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/20/2017
6. Clean the mesh strainer on the line .........................
7. Air vent valves and drain valves are closed on the:
a. Chilled / hot water inlet line. ................................
b. Cooling water inlet line ........................................
c. Waste hot water line ............................................
8. Start the chilled / hot water, cooling water, and
waste hot water pumps. ...........................................
9. The water box pressure does not exceed the
maximum pressure for the:
a. Chilled / hot water ................................................
b. Cooling water .......................................................
c. Waste hot water pump .........................................
10. The flow fate is adjusted within an acceptable
range for:
a. Chilled / hot water ................................................
b. Cooling water .......................................................
c. Waste hot water
11. The exhaust gas inlet temperature sensor is in-
stalled correctly. .......................................................
12. All exhaust gas damper actuators can be eas-
ily checked. ..............................................................
13. Pressure measuring ports are installed and can be
easily checked at the:
a. Exhaust gas inlet ................................................
b. Exhaust gas outlet ...............................................
14. Flue damper open limit switch is installed. ...............
15. Flue damper signal is connected to the control pan-
el as an interlock. .....................................................
16. Heat exchanger for the waste hot water system is
installed. ...................................................................
17. Engine can operate without heat recover operation
of waste hot water. ...................................................
C. Valve and Sensor Check
1. Adjusting valves are set correctly. ...........................
2. Diaphragm valves in the purge line are closed. ......
3. The spindle valve in the purge line is open ..............
4. The changeover valves are set to operation mode ..
5. Detection component of each thermosensor are in-
serted into the thermowell. ......................................
6. Inlet and outlet pressure measuring ports for the
exhaust gas line are closed. ....................................
D. Electrical
1. The insulation resistance of each motor and the
MCB secondary side is within acceptable range. ...
2. Power supply voltage is within acceptable range. ...
3. Control panel wiring is correctly connected to the
exhaust gas damper and the waste hot water con-
trol valve. .................................................................
4. The external control wiring is complete from the
control panel to the water pump motor starters and
other related equipment. ..........................................
E. Pumps
1. Add lubrication oil to the vacuum pump. ..................
2. Vacuum pump motor rotation is correct. .................
F. Evacuate Nitrogen Charge
1. Remove the plug in the absorber purge line. ..........
2. Release the nitrogen gas until the high temperature
generator compound gauge indicates approximate-
ly 0.005 MPa.G. (0.725 PSI). ..................................
3. Re-install the plug in the absorber purge line. ........