C. Set Up
C-1. Set Up -
First-Time YoLink Users
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C-2. Add Device
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T h e Yo L i n k H u b i s re q u i re d
t o s e t u p y o u r Wa t e r L e a k
S e n s o r. P l e a s e s e t u p y o u r
Yo L i n k H u b fi rs t ( re fe r t o
Yo L i n k H u b m a n u a l )
YoLink Hub
Log in to the YoLink app
Create a new account if
User Guide
2. Ethernet patch cable (included) to
your network (router, switch, etc.),
recommended. Otherwise connect
your Hub to your home 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
network (only when necessary).
Refer to the Hub set up manual for
more informa on:
1. Make sure your Hub is connected
to the internet (green LED indicator is
blinking, blue LED indicator is always
Download the YoLink app through
Apple App Store or Google Play
Store (Search in the store or use
the QR code on the right)
Apple iPhone or tablet that is iOS 9.0
or higher, or an Android phone or
tablet that is Android 4.4 or higher