To configure a Gas/Water Valve
C o
n t r o l l e r a s t h e r e s p o n d e r
close the valve using SET bu on
o r v i a Yo L i n k a p p ( v e r i f y t h e
valve is shown to be Closed on
the app). Press and hold the SET
bu on for 5-10 seconds un l the
LED quickly blinks green, then,
release the bu on
Upon pairing, the LED will stop
blinking (this may happen a er
only blinking two or three mes)
b. Press to
close the valve
c. SET Bu on
(5-10 seconds)
Refer to the Gas/Water Valve
Controller manual for more
informa on:
Valve Controller
Hold the SET bu on longer than 10 seconds will ABORT the pairing opera on