E-5. Third-party Assistants
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Voice Assistants
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C o n n e c t Yo L i n k w i t h t h i r d - p a r t y v o i c e a s s i s t a n t s t o m o n i t o r t h e s t a t u s o f y o u r d e v i c e s
t h r o u g h v o i c e c o m m a n d s
1. The Water Leak Sensor integrates with Alexa and IFTTT.com
2. Monitor the Water detected (closed)/No water detected (open)
status of the Water Leak Sensor from the Alexa app
3. Water detected/Water cleared status can be queried by voice
command as well as the Alexa app (For example, “Alexa, what
is the status of the Basement Water Leak Sensor?” -- “No water is
detected of the Basement Water Leak Sensor ”
4. The Water Leak Sensor may be used as a trigger or input for Alexa
rou nes and for custom applets (IFTTT.com)
5. For addi onal informa on specific to the pla orm, refer to the
associated app. Visit our website at
www.yosmart.com/support-and-service for addi onal informa on,
or contact us via email or phone (see page 25 for Customer Support
email address and phone number) informa on