H. Troubleshoo ng
Ba eries:
Ba eries should be brand new, name brand “AAA” alkaline type. Refer to “Warnings”
Sec on on page 23
Func on:
1. Device is offline
- If sensor is not connected to the cloud, press the SET bu on on water leak sensor once
- If Hub is offline, reconnect the Hub to the Internet and press the SET bu on on water leak
sensor once
- If Hub is not on, power on the Hub again and press the SET bu on on water leak sensor once
- If sensor is out of range with Hub, reloca ng the sensor or Hub may be required
- For a device with low-ba ery indicators or alerts or if the condi on of the ba eries is in
ques on, replace the ba eries with two premium “AAA” alkaline ba eries
2. Other issues
, contact customer service,
(M-F 9am - 5pm PST)
or email 24/7 at