E-2. Unpairing
A t t h e W a t e r L e a k S e n s o r
(controller), press and hold the
SET bu on for 10-15 seconds un l
the LED quickly blinks green, then
red, then, release the bu on
At the Gas/Water Valve Controller
(responder), press and hold the
SET bu on for 10-15 seconds, un l
the LED quickly blinks green, then
red, then, release the bu on
U p o n u n - p a i r i n g , e i t h e r t h e
Water L eak Sen s o r L E D o r th e
Gas / Water Valve C o ntro ller L E D
will sto p b lin kin g an d tu rn o ff
The Gas/Water Valve Controller
will no longer respond to the
Water Leak Sensor
a. SET Bu on
(10-15 seconds)
Hold the SET bu on longer than 15 seconds will
ABORT the unpairing opera on
b. SET Bu on
(10-15 seconds)