IM 12D08N05-01E
In the event of warranty claim, the defective goods should be sent (freight paid) to
the service department of the relevant sales organization for repair or replacement
(at Yokogawa discretion). The following information must be included in the letter
accompanying the returned goods:
Part number, model code and serial number
• Original purchase order and date
• Length of time in service and a description of the process
• Description of the fault, and the circumstances of failure
• Process/environmental conditions that may be related to the failure of the device.
• A statement whether warranty or non-warranty service is requested
• Complete shipping and billing instructions for return of material, plus the name and
phone number of a contact person who can be reached for further information.
Returned goods that have been in contact with process fluids must be decontaminated/
disinfected before shipment. Goods should carry a certificate to this effect, for the health
and safety of our employees. Material safety data sheets should also be included for all
components of the processes to which the equipment has been exposed.