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© 2010-2015 Eugeny Brychkov
Y-coordinate defines the vertical position of the sprite. Note that if Y is equal to 216
(D8h), all lower priority sprites will not be displayed. It is important to know that when
using vertical offset register R#23 to scroll the visible area of the screen, sprite with the Y-
coordinate of 216 will not be displayed and in order to display sprite in this area on the
scrolled screen programmer should use Y=coordinate equal to 215 or 217.
Pattern number specifies which pattern from sprite pattern generator table to use to
display the sprite bitmap image. If 8*8 dots sprite size is selected, there’re 256 patterns
available, but if 16*16 dots sprite size is selected, there there’re only 64 patterns available.
In 16*16 mode two lower-order bits of the pattern number are not used (and they can
hold any value).
Color code is not used in sprite mode 2, and the respective area in the table is
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 1 X X
Sprite attribute
table low (SM2)
0 0 0 0 0 0 A16
Sprite attribute
table high
5.2.3. Sprite pattern generator table (SM2)
Sprite pattern generator table is an area in the VRAM specifying the sprite patterns
(appearance). Base address of this table should be set in register R#6.
Sprite pattern generator table is designed the same way as in SPRITE MODE 1 (SM1);
please refer to respective section for the example. Eight bytes are used for each pattern,
and whole table occupies 2048 bytes (800h) for all the 256 patterns possible. Each pattern
is assigned the number, #0 to #255. If sprite size of 8*8 is selected (SI=0) then each
displayed sprite has one pattern; if sprite size of 16*16 is selected (SI=1) then each sprite
is comprised of four patterns.