Chapter 5—Editing Programs
SREV1—Owner’s Manual
Impulse-response data (TM4 format) created by using IRSampler, the
impulse-response sampling software, or IREdit, the impulse-response editing software,
can be loaded into the SREV1 from a PC Card. The RC-SREV1 looks for
impulse-response data stored in the “\yamaha\srev\data” folder of the PC Card, so you
need to make a new folder called “data” in “x:\yamaha\srev\” and then copy your
impulse-response data into it. (Note that “x” refers to the letter assigned to your PC
Card while it’s inserted in your PC.)
The 2-channel (SP2) and 4-channel (SP4) programs that you create are stored in the
“\yamaha\srev\prog” folder, and 2-channel, 4-channel, and 2-channel x2 projects are
stored in the “\yamaha\srev\proj” folder. When you copy or move any of these files to
another PC Card by using your PC, be sure to use the same folder organization and
naming, otherwise, the SREV1 will not be able to find the files.
Note that the SREV1 can only list up to 128 files in a folder, so do not put any more files
than that into a folder. If you do have more than 128 files in a folder, the SREV1 lists the
first 128 files copied to the folder in alphabetical order.