SREV1—Owner’s Manual
mini YGDAI (Yamaha General Digital Audio Interface)
—The second-gener-
ation YGDAI interface system used on the 01V Digital Mixing Console, D24 Digital
Multitrack Recorder, DME32 Digital Mixing Engine, and SREV1.
PC Card
—A small, credit card-sized device for use with personal computers and other
electronic devices. PC Cards come in three thicknesses, the thinnest being Type I, which
is typically used for RAM or ROM memory. Type II cards, which are slightly thicker,
may contain, for example, a fax/modem, while Type III cards are thick enough to con-
tain a hard disk drive.
PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Associa-
—The organization responsible for the development of the PC Card standard.
—A type of EQ circuit used to cut and boost a band of frequencies, producing
a mountain-peak type response. The width of the band is called the Q. Middle-band
EQ is usually of the peaking type. Compare with Shelving.
—Abbreviation for “parametric EQ.”
—Measured impulse response data is combined with variable parameters
such as reverb time and initial delay to form reverb programs. Preset programs are sup-
plied on CD-ROM. User programs can be stored in the Quick memories, Internal Card
or PC Card.
Program Change
—A type of MIDI message for recalling programs.
—A Project contains all the Quick memory programs and the current pro-
gram settings. Projects can be stored on the Internal Card or PC Card.
—The unit used to express a filter’s width. High values imply a narrow frequency
band, low values, a wide frequency band.
Quick memory
—Quick memories are special memories for storing programs.
Unlike programs stored on the Internal Card, PC Card, or CD-ROM, which take time
to load, Quick memory programs can be recalled instantly.
Reverb mode
—The SREV1 offers three modes of operation: 2-channel, 4-channel,
and 2-channel x2. In 2-channel mode, the SREV1 functions as a stereo processor. In
4-channel mode, the SREV1 offers 4-channel surround processing. In 2-channel x2
mode, the SREV1 functions as two independent stereo processors (A and B).
Reverb time
—The time it takes the reverberation to decay by –60 dB. See also Con-
volution time.
—An interface for connecting serial devices, offering a transmission distance
of approximately 15 meters, typically using 9- or 25-pin D-Sub connectors.
—A balanced interface for connecting serial devices, offering a transmission
distance of approximately 1 kilometer, higher data rates, and greater immunity to inter-
ference than RS-232C.
—A type of EQ circuit used to cut and boost frequencies above or below a set
frequency. It produces a shelf-looking response curve. High and low EQs are usually of
the shelving type. Contrast with Peaking.
Tascam TDIF-1 interconnect format
—The Tascam Digital InterFace audio inter-
connect format typically found on Tascam TDIF-1-compatible digital audio equip-
ment. TDIF-1 is a bidirectional, 8-channel format, which uses 25-pin D-sub connectors.
—A clock signal used to synchronize the data processing circuits of devices
digital audio equipment.
YGDAI (Yamaha General Digital Audio Interface)
—Yamaha digital audio
interface system offering a range of analog and digital input and output options for
Yamaha digital audio equipment, including AES/EBU, ADAT, and Tascam DIO.