The SREV1 in a Nutshell
SREV1—Owner’s Manual
or the Internal Card or PC Card. Up to six programs can be stored in Quick
memory in 2-channel or 4-channel mode; 12 in 2-channel x2 mode. Programs in
Quick memory can be recalled instantly via the optional RC-SREV1 Remote Controller
or MIDI Program Changes.
Projects, which contain all the Quick memory programs and the current program set-
tings, provide a convenient way to manage programs and settings for each job. Projects
can be stored on the Internal Card or PC Card.
The PC Card slot is fully compatible with the PC Card ATA specification and supports
the FAT16 file system. The CD-ROM drive supports the ISO9660 Level 2 format. Both
the PC Card and CD-ROM format is compatible with Windows.
The supplied CD-ROM contains preset reverb programs of famous venues from
around the world, and a CD-ROM library is planned for future release. The preset pro-
grams on the supplied CD-ROM are loaded into the Internal Card at the factory.
Program editing is handled at two levels: Main parameters and Fine parameters. With
Main parameter editing, channel parameters, such as reverb time, initial delay, reverb
balance, EQ, etc., are grouped, so that, for example, the reverb time of all channels can
be set simultaneously. Fine parameter editing adds pre-convolution 4-band PEQ,
post-convolution 4-band PEQ, and impulse-response data loading. Reverb parameters
can be edited individually or grouped. Reverb balance and reverb level parameters for
each channel can be controlled individually via MIDI Control Changes.
Two AES/EBU inputs and outputs (providing 4 channels) are built in and two mini
YGDAI (Yamaha General Digital Audio Interface) slots offer various analog and digital
I/O options (AES/EBU, ADAT, Tascam). Inputs can be assigned to channels individu-
ally, allowing various input/output configurations. In 2-channel mode, for example, a
single input can be assigned to both channels (left and right) for mono in/stereo out
operation, or an individual input can be assigned to each channel for true stereo in/ste-
reo out operation.
Superb sonic performance is provided by Yamaha’s new convolution chip, 24-bit I/O,
32-bit internal signal processing, and 48 kHz internal wordclock. External wordclocks
of 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz are supported and can be sourced via the dedicated BNC word-
clock input, AES/EBU inputs, or card slot inputs.
Up to four SREV1s can be controlled using the optional RC-SREV1 Remote Controller,
which features a large 320 x 240 dot graphical display, with fluorescent backlight and
adjustable brightness and contrast, four motorized faders for parameter editing, and
input and output clip indicators. Power is supplied by the SREV1.