If you are working with the PLG150-DX while
in Voice mode, your MIDI interface will
address the board as a part of the host
product. So you would address it on the first
port, PORT 1. It will not matter the PORT
assignment of the PLG150 Boards – as long as
you are in VOICE mode all Motif ES Voices are
addressed on the internal Motif ES Port
assignment, which is fixed at PORT 1.
When addressing the Motif ES from an
external MIDI sequencer (MIXING mode), it is
common practice to set the PLG150 Boards on
a separate Port from the host product. The
Motif ES is fixed at Port 1 and often Port 2 is
used to communicate with the PLG150 Boards
(this allows them to be addressed on separate
MIDI channels from the internal Parts thus
breaking the 16 MIDI channel limit). This will
be true whether you are using USB-MIDI or
mLAN-MIDI as the interface for your
In order to address the Plugin Part while the
Motif ES is in Song / Pattern MIXING mode,
engineering has come up with a method to
address the boards by slot and channel
assignment. In the DX Simulator Setup you
can select a parameter called the “Part No.”
(Part number). By setting the Part No.
parameter and MIDI channel you will be able
to address the PLG150-DX while the unit is in
a multi-timbral setup – allowing you to tweak
the sound in context of the music it will be
used. The Part Number assignment is
accomplished as follows:
Slot 1 = Part 16
Slot 2 = Part 15
Slot 3 = Part 14
Typical setting for when the using the Motif ES as
the host and USB as the MIDI interface… MIDI IN
is set to “Yamaha USB IN 0-1” – MIDI OUT is set
to “Yamaha USB OUT 0-2” (the PLG150 boards
are set to be communicated to via PORT 2 in the
Motif ES. The PLG150-DX in this example is in Slot
1 (Part No. = 16), and is assigned MIDI channel
MLAN16E: Below is a typical setup for a Motif ES
containing an mLAN16E as the MIDI interface and
the PLG150 boards on Port 2; the PLG150-DX
board is installed in Slot 1 thus the Part No. = 16.
mLAN SYSTEM: Below is a typical setup for a
large mLAN System where the 01X and Motif ES
are both configured as MIDI interfaces (the 01X
reserves the first 8 Ports into the computer and
the Motif ES takes over at IN Port 9; the computer
sends OUT to the 01X on five MIDI Ports (1-5)
and Port 6 goes to the internal Motif ES/ while the
second Motif ES Port, Port 7 goes to the PLG150
boards… Again the PLG150-DX is in Slot 1 (Part
No. = 16), and the MIDI channel is channel 1.
Phil Clendeninn
Senior Product Specialist
Technology Products
©Yamaha Corporation of America