Standard key registration
Voiding the standard key code:
If a standard key has been lost, it is possible to disable its use by re-registering the remaining standard
key. Standard key registration erases the stored standard key code from the memory, thus disabling
the lost standard key. To re-register, refer to “Standard key registration”.
Standard key code voiding method
When the main switch is turned to “ON”, the immobilizer system indicator light does not come on nor
a. Main switch “ON”
b. Main switch “OFF”
c. LED on
d. LED off
e. Less than 5.0 s
Code re-registering key
g. First standard key
h. Second standard key
Registration mode
A. Registration of the second standard key is
B. Immobilizer system indicator light stops
flashing when the registration of the second
standard key is complete.
a. Main switch “ON”
b. Main switch “OFF”
c. LED on
d. LED off
e. Less than 5.0 s
Code re-registering key
g. Remaining standard key
h. Registration mode
A. If the immobilizer system indicator light stops
flashing 5 seconds after the first standard key
is registered, the second standard key cannot
be registered.
Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keys
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