Instantaneous fuel consumption mode
The instantaneous fuel consumption display can
be set to either “km/L” or “L/100 km”.
• When the display is set to “km/L”, the dis-
tance that can be traveled on 1.0 L of fuel un-
der the current riding conditions is shown.
• When the display is set to “L/100 km”, the
amount of fuel necessary to travel 100 km un-
der the current riding conditions is shown.
• To switch between the two instantaneous fuel
consumption displays, push the “RESET” but-
ton for 1 second when either display is shown.
• If traveling at speeds under 10 km/h, “_ _” will
be displayed.
Average fuel consumption mode
This display shows the average fuel consump-
tion since it was last reset.
The average fuel consumption display can be
set to either “AV _ _ km/L” or “AV _ _ L/100 km”.
When the average fuel consumption mode is se-
lected, the display flashes for five seconds, and
then, depending on the unit set, “AV _ _ km/L”
(average distance that can be traveled using 1.0
L of fuel) or “AV _ _ L/100 km” (average amount
of fuel necessary to travel 100 km) is displayed.
To reset the average fuel consumption display,
push the “RESET” button to select the mode
again, and then push the “RESET” button for 1
second while the display is flashing.
• To switch between the two average fuel con-
sumption displays, push the “RESET” button
for 1 second when either display is shown.
• After resetting an average fuel consumption
display, “_ _” will be shown for that display until
the vehicle has traveled 1 km.
If there is a malfunction, “– –” will be dis-
played. Replace the meter assembly.
Ambient temperature, instantaneous fuel
consumption and average fuel consumption
modes (for the UK only)
Push the “RESET” button to switch the display
between the ambient temperature mode and the
fuel consumption modes in the following order:
Air (ambient temperature)
MPG (instanta-
neous fuel consumption)
AV_ _ MPG (aver-
age fuel consumption)
Air (ambient
Ambient temperature mode
This display shows the ambient temperature
from -9 °C to 50 °C in 1 °C increments. The tem-
perature displayed may vary from the ambient
1. Instantaneous fuel consumption mode
1. Average fuel consumption
1. Ambient temperature/instantaneous fuel
consumption/average fuel consumption
2. “SELECT” button
3. “RESET” button
1. Ambient temperature
Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keys
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