Custom Style
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At this point you can also select the voice you want to record with
(the preset voice for that part will initially be selected). For the R1 part,
voices can be used. For the R2 part, all voices can be
used. For the remaining parts, all voices except
can be used.
Record the selected part.
You can now add new parts to the selected part by playing the key-
board at the appropriate timing (play in C Major seventh since the Cus-
tom Style is recorded as a C Major seventh pattern). If you want to create
a totally new part from scratch, press the
LCD button to clear
the selected part before beginning to record. If both the R1 and R2 parts
are cleared the metronome will sound to provide a timing guide (the met-
ronome sound is not recorded). When a drum kit voice is used, a single
drum instrument sound can be cleared from the R1 or R2 part by press-
ing the key corresponding to the instrument to be cleared while holding
the keyboard “C1” key. The metronome timing guide can also be cleared
in this way.
• Playback can be started and stopped
via the [START/STOP] button as re-
quired while in the Custom Style mode
— data cannot be recorded while
playback is stopped.
Quantize the recorded part, if necessary.
You can “tighten up” the timing of a recorded part by aligning all
notes to specified beats via the PART QUANTIZE function in CUSTOM
STYLE display page 2 (press the PAGE
button). Press the LCD but-
ton below the note symbol to select “quantize size” — i.e. the beats to
which the notes in the current part will be aligned:
Another useful recording aid is the
LCD button: when this
button is pressed and highlighted, only the selected part will sound. Press
button again to turn the solo function off and hear the entire
8th notes
quarter-note triplets
quarter notes
32nd notes
16th note triplets
16th notes
8th note triplets
• The timing guide will stop as soon as
the Custom Style is stored.
• The sound of all parts is automatically
stopped at the end of the style — i.e.
at the point between repeats when
recording. It is therefore not advisable
to record over this point.