Welcome to the world of the AW2816!
If you have an interest in music production, you prob-
ably know that the songs of the artists you see on tele-
vision and in magazines are produced in
sophisticated recording and mixing studios using lots
of expensive equipment, and pass through numerous
processes under the care of professional sound engi-
neers who have a wealth of specialized knowledge.
Into the AW2816 is packed the functionality used for
every process that happens in these large and sophis-
ticated studios. If the optional CD-RW drive is
installed, the entire process from recording to CD pro-
duction can be carried out completely within the
AW2816, and all at professional quality.
Starting with a powerful digital mixer of equivalent
quality with the Yamaha 02R mixing console (the de-
facto standard for digital recording), the AW2816
includes an automix function that records and repro-
duces the operations of the mixer section, two digital
multi-effect units with a rich array of functions, a com-
pletely uncompressed 16-track recorder that supports
not only 16 bit CD-quality but also 24 bit recording/
playback that captures even the most subtle nuances,
and many other functions.
If you already have experience using a digital mixing
console or digital recorder, operating the AW2816
will soon feel completely natural to you, and you will
quickly be amazed at the astounding amount of func-
tionality that is packed into such a small unit. On the
other hand if you are new to this type of equipment,
be reassured that the AW2816 is designed to make it
easy for you to fully use every bit of its powerful func-
Although this tutorial will guide you through a full
range of actual operations, this is just the first step in
understanding the full potential of the AW2816. We
hope that by working through this tutorial, you will
acquire your very own know-how that will help you
take full advantage of the AW2816.
About this tutorial
This tutorial is intended for people who have an inter-
est in recording and mixdown but have never before
used equipment like the AW2816, and explains the
process from recording to mixdown on the AW2816
while leading you through the actual steps of opera-
Once you have worked through this tutorial, you will
have learned how to operate the basic functionality of
the AW2816. For a more detailed explanation of each
function, refer to the AW2816’s “Owner’s Manual.” At
the end of this tutorial there is a glossary of special-
ized terms related to the AW2816, digital mixing con-
soles, and digital recorders. Please refer to it when
you encounter an unfamiliar term.