A3000 Guide
Parameter changes via controller are always relative to the specified parameter value
(offset). By setting the Type you can determine whether the change is allowed in both
directions (-/+offset) or in only one direction (+offset). Range specifies the effective
range of the parameter change via controller. Since negative values are also possible,
“+offset” lets you decrease the parameter values.
It is recommended to set the Controller Matrix in such a way that the effect is
compatible with XG synthesizers. To produce this behavior the -/+offset should be
set using a range of +63. The controller value 64 in this case is equal to the specified
parameter value. If CUTOFF is set to 64 for instance, the controller controls the full
range of the parameter. Setting CUTOFF to 32 means that nothing happens below a
controller value of 32. If CUTOFF is set to 0, only values from 64–127 are effective.
If you are controlling the A3000 from an external sequencer, you can use virtually all
control change numbers. However, the Controllers #007 (Volume) and #010 (Pan) do
not need to be set, since these are not dependent on the Controller Matrix and are
therefore always available. Apart from that, all physical controllers of the controlling
keyboard (Modulation wheel, Pitch Bend wheel, the pedals, Aftertouch…) and the
knobs 2–5 of the A3000 are at your disposal. For details, please read the section
Furthermore, the Controller Matrix is factory-set to the following values:
Matrix 1 = Control # 74 = Cutoff Bias
(knob 1)
Matrix 2 = Control # 71 = FilterQ/Width
(knob 2)
Matrix 3 = Control # 73 = AEG Attack
(knob 3)
Matrix 4 = Control # 72 = AEG Release
(knob 4)
Matrix 5 = not assigned
Matrix 6 = not assigned
In the above table, the standard assignments for "Knob Control" are added in
parentheses, and are ready to be called by the ASSIGN key. This assignment is made
by UTILITY – PANEL PLAY – Knob Set. Thus, for a new program the above
parameters (following ASSIGN) can be instantly controlled with the knobs.
Controllers #74 and #71 can however only be effective if FILTER TYPE is not set to
To be able to keep track of things, it is recommended that you leave the basic setting
as is and assign only Matrix No. 5 and 6 individually.
Vel&PB = VelLow sets the minimum velocity for a Sample. Notes with lower
velocity will be played with the set minimum value. With this parameter you can
stop weak notes from disappearing. VelOfst adds an offset to all received velocity
values. With PB Type and PB Range you can program different operational modes
and the effectiveness of Pitch Bend, changing these from the standard setting.
Special Hint Ø Cutoff Control for Samples with Filter Envelope
Control of the cutoff frequency using Control Change can extend over several notes or bars
when using sequences (e.g. bass lines or arpeggios). This can lead to problems if a Filter
Envelope is programmed for the corresponding sound. If controller events (#74) are received
while a note is being played, the envelope is interrupted, causing sudden changes in the
middle of the sequence. In this case it is important that the controller events be placed in
time between NOTE OFF and NOTE ON. However, to do this manually is nearly
impossible (by using the knobs on the A3000 or the fader controls provided in sequencer
programs). Therefore, for Samples using the FEG, continuous changes to the cutoff frequency
should be programmed within the sequencer by inserting a controller event #74 shortly
before each note. Depending on the functionality of the sequencer program this can be a very
time-consuming task. An easier way to do this is to use the CONTROLLER TEMPLATES on
the included QUICK DISK, where different controller movements are pre-programmed in
steps of 1/16th note. The controller events have been inserted shortly before each 1/16th