A3000 Guide
EdType = Maybe you are overwhelmed by the multitude of effect parameters. If so,
try setting the "EffectEditType" to "favorite". Now, on the pages Efct1, Efct 2, Efct 3
only the four most common parameters are displayed. In Favorite mode it is no
longer necessary to step through the parameter list. If you ever need to set a
parameter which is not included in this selection, simply push one of the knobs 2 to
5. In the subpage you can individually select which parameters are displayed.
The command functions are the same as on the page PLAY/PROGRAM.
Special Hint Ø Beat Change
The effect BEAT CHANGE should be of special interest. Unlike the other effects, this new
type of effect requires a little clarification. BEAT CHANGE is comparable to the re-
sampling function "Time Stretch", but works in realtime. The playback speed of the sample
is changed by modifying the waveform length without affecting the pitch. This is used
mainly to adjust drum loops to the song tempo. Load the Factory Disk "Drum Variations" to
try out the BEAT CHANGE effect. Choose Program 002 "ModWheel" and play the drum
loops assigned to the keys G2, A2, B2, and C3. Now slowly move the modulation wheel. You
can hear very clearly that the loops are played back faster, even though the pitch remains
unchanged. The same effect can be achieved by setting the effect parameter 1
"BeatChange(Ctrl)" manually. The range of the BEAT CHANGE effect is set with the
effect parameter 2 "Beat Change" (e.g. Value 5 in Program "ModWheel"). Please don’t be
confused by the obvious error in the Owner's Manual (page 340): In the last sentence of the
description of the BEAT CHANGE effect it says that "Beat Range" should be left at "0".
This is not correct, as then BEAT CHANGE would not be effective. Instead of "BeatRange
(Ctrl)" it should read "PitchChange (Ctrl)".
The question remains how to adjust the length of a drum loop to the song tempo using the
BEAT CHANGE effect. As a starting point to this endeavor you can call up the Program
"ModWheel". The effect parameters can in general be used without modification.
Controlling the effect is done in PLAY – CONTROL (Matrix#1) and can be modified there
individually. Instead of the modulation wheel (#001) any other Controller may be used,
e.g. Controller #091 which is commonly used for controlling an effect. If you want to slow
down the original tempo of the drum loop, you must set a negative range in the "PgmCtl2"
page (e.g. Range = - 32). If you want to use your own drum loops within the Program, you
would have to set the MAIN OUTPUT = EFFECT 1 the tempo adjustment can then be done
within the sequencer program. In an empty sequencer track, insert a note of the length of the
drum loop (e.g. 1 bar). Repeat this note several times (e.g. 32 bars). Now insert a Control
Change of the same number set in the matrix (e.g. #91). Change the value of this Controller
until the drum loop is synchronized to the song tempo; i.e. plays back in the intended
rhythmical loop. This requires some practice. A metronome or an existing simple drum track
may be helpful. To allow for more precise tempo adjustments it can be useful to set the
parameter Range in matrix #1 to a lower value, which produces finer gradations. If this
still does not help, the song tempo must be changed slightly (e.g. from 120 to 120.1).
Owner's Manual p. 121 - 127
PgmMstr = Program Level, Transpose (globally), S/H speed (= cannot be changed
on the program level)
Portmnt = Portamento Mode, Rate + Time (see
Owner's Manual
p. 130)
ADSetup / ADOut = Various parameters for programming the A/D inputs. (see
Owner's Manual
p. 130). Particularly interesting is the "MainOut" parameter: here the
A/D signal can be routed to one of the effects. The A-3000 may therefore be used as
an effect unit for external sources. By combining the effect and A/D parameters, the
Programs can be used as effect programs. The command functions are the same as on
the PLAY/PROGRAM page. Owner's Manual p. 128 - 133