F Pass rear turn signal light lead
(right) through hole in rear fend-
G Pass rear turn signal light lead
(left) through hole in rear fender.
H Pass the wire harness through
cut in rear fender.
I Do not allow wire harness to ride
over rear fender rib.
D Place fuel pump lead so that it
comes on top.
E Pass brake light switch lead and
battery negative lead under ra-
diator reservoir tank, and be-
tween radiator reservoir hose
and battery, and connect them at
right side of battery.
A Pass radiator reservoir tank
breather hose at left side of ther-
mostat housing.
B Do not fix #4 spark plug lead with
a band.
C Using clamp, fix #3 and #4 spark
plug lead and pass them under
radiator reservoir tank breather
hose, over the throttle cable,
back of radiator hose and out-
side hot water hose for carbure-
tor heater.