1035818C - 8/27
away witH
yOuR biKes:
rEaD all
warnIngs on
nEXt pagE.
tightly secure straps diagonally
over bike frame and seat tube.
The straps can be routed
under the cables.
alternate bike directions
to avoid interference.
To slide cradles along the carrier
arms, close cradle and stabilizer.
Close cradles while loading bikes.
loaD rEmaInIng bIkEs.
secure bikes
The weight of the
bikes may cause
the straps to slack
or dislodge hooks.
tigHten uppeR anD siDe stRaps
again afteR biKes aRe lOaDeD.
Each bike requires 3 chain straps.
Use the included safety
strap to secure your
bikes to the carrier.
Route the strap through
each wheel, around the
carrier. Feed the strap
through the buckle,
tighten it down, and
secure the loose end.