1035818C - 3/27
secuRe tHe fRame pOsitiOn.
lower support frame location is
extremely important to the load!
Read and follow the notes
for your vehicle.
pOsitiOn uppeR HOOKs.
lOweR fRame.
• Turn and push the red triggers
until they are seated in the hub.
• Move the frames apart very
slightly until the red triggers
• If the frame feels loose, pull out
the red triggers and try again.
Do not allow the frames
to move out of position.
Check your measurement
again if necessary.
Place where directed by fitlookup.
yakima.com, or your fit notes.
clean the contact points
on the vehicle, and keep
the pads free of debris.
• Do not place the lower frame on glass,
plastic, or thin metal.
• Some vehicles have a large section of poorly
supported metal that will dent under weight.
unlIstED vEhIclEs:
• A common location is a
well-supported license
plate depression, just above
or below the numbers.
carrIEr Is
rEaDy to placE
on car.
warnIng: Do not attach thE uppEr hooks to glass or plastIc!
(If upper hooks must attach to glass or plastic, follow Anchor Strap installation on next page.)
unlIstED vEhIclEs:
uppeR HOOKs
• Insert the upper hooks into
the leading edge of the hatch
or trunk.
refer to notes for
your vehicle to
see if you should
use the glass
hatch hooks or
anchor strap.
No glASS oR PlASTIC? Continue to step 13.
• If the leading edge of the hatch or
trunk has trim, you must use the
Anchor Strap configuration.
• Remove hooks before opening the
hatch or trunk. opening the hatch
or trunk with hooks installed could
cause damage to the vehicle.