Setting the display brightness ................ 123
Setting the display contrast .................... 123
Setting the DTMF code transmission
method ................................................... 131
Setting the dual receive restart setting ..... 71
Setting the frequency step...................... 138
Setting the geodetic reference system ... 141
Setting the interval for saving the GPS
location information ................................ 142
Setting the memory scan method........... 130
Setting the memory tag display .............. 130
Setting the microcomputer clock shift..... 138
Setting the microphone sensitivity .......... 125
Setting the modulation mode.................. 125
Setting the packet communication
operation .................................................112
Setting the PIN code for the Bluetooth
headset................................................... 141
Setting the program keys on the
microphone............................................. 138
Setting the repeater shift direction.......... 137
Setting the repeater shift width ............... 137
Setting the scanning direction ................ 133
Setting the signal reception method ....... 133
Setting the squelch type ......................... 131
Setting the squelch type in digital
mode ...................................................... 126
Setting the squelch type separately for
transmission and reception .................... 132
Setting the time display format ............... 135
Setting the time to display the partner
station information in a pop-up window .. 128
Setting the time zone.............................. 136
Setting the tone frequency ..................... 131
Setting the transceiver pager code........... 86
Setting the transmission mode when
using the AMS function........................... 125
Setting the unit displayed on the
screen..................................................... 140
Setting the voice memory operation ....... 160
Setting the voice memory operations ..... 147
Setting the weather alert operation
(USA Version Only) ................................ 132
Setting up the micro-SD memory card ..... 31
Setting up the screen display ................. 123
Setting your location information
display .................................................... 128
Setup menu basic operations ..................116
Setup-menu listing...................................117
SIGNALING ............................................ 131
Sorting the memory channels................. 149
Sounding a beep when a partner
station ends a transmission .................... 129
Specifications ......................................... 169
Specifying memory channels ................... 66
Split memory ............................................ 59
Squelch detection and squelch jack
output settings ........................................ 146
Switching the GPS information............... 124
Switching the modulation mode ............... 40
Switching the operation mode .................. 38
Switching the power off ............................ 34
The keys or knobs do not operate .......... 167
There is no power................................... 167
There is no sound................................... 167
There is no transmission ........................ 167
timer function ............................................ 94
Toggling the operating band ..................... 35
tone squelch function ............................... 81
TOT function ............................................. 95
Transmitting .............................................. 41
Transmitting GPS location information ... 109
Transmitting the DTMF code manually .... 92
Transmitting tone signals ......................... 83
Troubleshooting ...................................... 167
Tuning in to the frequency ........................ 37
Turning off the transceiver
automatically .......................................... 141
Turning the power on ............................... 34
TX/RX ..................................................... 125
T-CALL (1750 Hz) .................................... 43
Updating the transceiver firmware...........110
User Programmed Reverse CTCSS
Decoder .................................................... 90
Using routine message........................... 100
Using the auto repeater shift function..... 136
Using the Bluetooth headset .......... 151, 157
Using the DCS function ............................ 85
Using the digital code squelch function .... 84
Using the dual receive function ................ 70
Using the half deviation function ............ 130
Using the Memory .................................... 51
Using the new pager function ................... 86
Using the tone squelch function ............... 82
Using the voice memory ......................... 160
Viewing the image list ............................... 96
Viewing the message list .......................... 96
VFO scan ................................................. 62
WIRES-X ................................................ 134
WIRES-X Function ................................... 80