VMPS (Voice Mail Paging System)
The DTMF Paging and Automatic Recording ca-
pability of the FTT-12 keypad may be utilized to
allow the storage of “Voice Mail” in an FT-50R
which is so equipped. A message of up to 20
seconds in length may be stored in your radio for
later recall.
To use this system, two conditions must be met:
The calling station must know your private or
group DTMF paging ID code (see page 37).
II. Your transceiver must have DTMF paging or
Trigger paging activated (see page 38 40).
To set up for
First, ensure that your private paging ID code is
stored in DTMF Code memory
If you haven’t already done so, partition the
voice memory so as to set up the desired Voice
Mail time limit. Without this partitioning, the full
20 seconds of recording time will be available.
ARTS, VMPS, and the
auto-response modes
paging transmit
without operator presence.
Ensure this type of operation is legal in your coun-
try before using it, and adhere to any or all regula-
tions regarding timed station identification (CW ID).
Activate DTMF paging or Trigger paging
Hold the Knob for
second, then release it and
turn it to display
7 .
Press the knob momentarily, then turn it to select
. Press the Knob again, turn it to select
then press the PTT switch to exit.
and then
will appear on the left side of the display,
and the receiving frequency at the right.
When a station bearing the correct DTMF paging
code calls your
the alert ringer of your
radio will sound, and the receiver squelch will
open. Automatic off-the-air recording will then
storing until the recording
partition time limit has been reached, or until the
other station stops transmitting (whichever comes
first). You may now play back the stored message
(from register
when you return to your
transceiver. The blinking DTMF code indicator on
the right-hand side of the display provides a visual
indication that a message has come in during your
Only one Voice Mail message may be stored at
any time, and newer messages will overwrite pre-
vious ones.