en – Original instructions
P51. BMS Comm Protocol – Address 1÷247 / 0÷127
This parameter sets the desired address for the drive, when connected to any external device,
depending on the protocol selected in P50:
• If P50 = MOd, the address can be any value in the range 1÷247
• If P50 = bAC, the address can be any value in the range 0÷127.
P52. BMS Comm Protocol – Baudrate [4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 38.4, 56.0, 57.6 Kbps]
This parameter (
,default value 9.6) sets the desired
baudrate for the communication port.
P53. BACnet Device ID Offset [0÷999]
This parameter (default value 000) sets hundreds, tens and units of the BACnet Device ID.
(BACnet Device ID default value= 84000).
P54. COM Port Configuration [0÷3]
This parameters sets the configuration of the internal communication port:
• Default [Databits= 8, Parity= None, StopBits= 1] = 0
• [Databits= 8, Parity= None, StopBits= 2]
= 1
• [Databits= 8, Parity= Even, StopBits= 1]
= 2
• [Databits= 8, Parity= Odd, StopBits= 1]
= 3
7.5.6 Test Run Configuration Parameters
Test Run is a function which starts the pump after the last stop, in order to prevent the pump from
P65. Test Run – Time Start [0÷100]
This parameter (default value 100), expressed in [hours], sets the time after which, once the
pump stopped for the last time, the Test Run will start.
P66. Test Run – Speed [Min÷Max]
This parameter (default value 200) sets the pump rotational speed for the Test Run expressed in
rpmx10. Minimum and maximum speed are model dependant.
P67. Test Run – Time Duration[0÷180]
This parameter (default value 10) sets the time duration for the Test Run expressed in seconds.
7.5.7 Special Parameters
P68. Default Values Reload [
This parameter, if sets to RES, after confirmation, performs a factory restore operation that loads
the default parameters values.
P69. Avoid Frequently Parameters Saving [
By setting this parameter (default value NO) to YES, the user can limit the frequency with which
the drive stores the required value P02 in its EEPROM memory; this could be particularly useful,
not to impact EEPROM retention life, especially in applications with a BMS controller, which
could force a continuous variation of the required value for fine regulation purposes.
7.6 Fault finding
Referring to par. 7.4.3:
• In case of any alarm that allows the motor to keep on running, the display shows alternatively
alarm code and the value of the current motor rotational speed or of the current (estimated or
measured) pressure, while the STATUS indicator becomes orange.
• In case of a failure that stops the motor, the display shows the error code (see par. 7.6.1 and
7.6.2) permanently and the STATUS indicator becomes red.