8.2 eMc – electromagnetic compatibility
To ensure electromagnetic compatibility the following points must be observed for cable installation:
control cables
General Recommendations
use shielded cables, temperature rated at 60º c (140º F) or above:
• Control cables must be multi-core cables with a braided copper wire screen.
Double Shielded
Single Shielded
Example: JAMAK by Draka NK Cables
Example: NOMAK by Draka NK Cables
• The screen must be twisted together into a bundle not longer than five times its width and connected to
terminal X1-1 (for digital and analog I/O cables) or to either X1-28 or X1-32 (for RS485 cables).
route control cables to minimize radiation to the cable:
• Route as far away as possible from the input power and motor cables (at least 20 cm (8 in)).
• Where control cables must cross power cables make sure they are at an angle as near 90º as possible.
• Stay at least 20 cm (8 in) from the sides of the drive.
use care in mixing signal types on the same cable:
• Do not mix analog and digital input signals on the same cable.
• Run relay-controlled signals as twisted pairs (especially if voltage > 48 V). Relay-controlled signals using
less than 48 V can be run in the same cables as digital input signals.
note! Never mix 24 VDC and AC power signals in the same cable.
Motor Wires
To ensure the EMC compatibility and minimize noise level and leakage currents, use the shortest possible mo-
tor wires. Use shielded wires only if the total length exceeds 6 feet.)
line reactors
Line reactors are available as an option and should be mounted between the HYDROVAR and the main fuse.
The Line reactor should be as close to the HYDROVAR as possible, (max. 12").
• more efficient
• reduction of harmonic currents
For the following applications additional line reactors are strongly recommended:
• high short circuit currents
• compensation-plants without a coil
• asynchronous motors which are responsible for a voltage drop >20% of the line voltage
eMc summary
• Install proper grounds according to local codes and regulations
• Do not install the power wires in parallel to control wires
• Use screened control cables
• Connect both ends of the motor wire screen to ground
• Connect only one end of the control wire screen to ground
• Motor wires should be as short as possible
electrical installation and WirinG