9.3 Basic drive display
status led - green
Motor stopped (Standby)
Motor run
error led - red
The type of error is indicated by the number of blinks of the red ERROR LED.
1 blink
2 blinks
Overcurrent / Overload
3 blinks
Drive thermal overload
4 blinks
5 blinks
Code Error
6 blinks
Motor thermal overload (external contact is open)
For detailed information see chapter 11 Failure messages.
9.4 software parameters
in the following chapters all parameters of the main menu and submenus are listed. the upper window
shows the factory setting and the line below the possible range of settings. The general parameter descrip-
tion is written for the HYDROVAR Master Inverter (Full featured HYDROVAR including the high level control card
which also supports the optional modules like the optional Relay Card and all specific software features).
When using a HYdroVar single drive there are fewer software features available than with the HYDROVAR
Master drive. All parameters which are not active for the HYDROVAR Single drive are marked with the following
… parameter not available for HYdroVar single drive