Xtralis ICAM
Xtralis ICAM Communications Guide
ICAM PC Software allows TCP/IP monitoring of the Icam range of fire and environmental detector
units. The detector units may be installed locally or remotely. This live information is then available
over TCP/IP to multiple PC users.
The monitoring system comprises one or more detector units, one or more PC SOftware applications
and one or more servers. A server program is referred to as the ‘Message Server’.
The message server will normally reside on one network PC and ICAM PC SOftware on another. They
will be connected by Ethernet to each of the detector units as shown in Figure 4-1.
The messageserver maintains a data base of connections to detector units and PC Software
applications. When a detector unit initially connects to the messageserver it informs it what data and
commands it requires and what data and notifications it has to offer. Similarly, when a PC application
connects to the messageserver it informs the messageserver what data it needs and what commands it
needs passed on to the detector units. Thus the ICAM MessageServer acts as a relay point for data
and control, routing them to intended and interested parties in the configured system.
Figure 4-1: PC Software with many Detectors
4.1 TCP/IP Setup
The following steps will connect multiple IFT systems to 1/multiple monitoring PC’s on a network.
1. Connect PC LAN port to Local Ethernet port/switch/hub using a suitable Cat 5 cable.