Rotating either control will alternate between the ON or OFF selection. Press the output on/off button when the desired mode is
f. Press the output on/off button
Save config?
g. Press output on/off button again to save the configuration and leave the power supply in analog control mode.
3) Connect the power supplies together.
a. On the analog connector in the back of the unit connect all pins 2 together to tie the analog grounds together.
b. Also on the analog connector in the back of the unit connect pin 5 (Sharing Output) of the master supply to pins 4 (Current
Control Input) of the slave supplies.
c. Now connect the all the positive outputs the master to the negative output of the slave. The positive output of the slave and
the negative output of the master should be connected to the load.
You have now completed setup for series operation of the power supplies. When connected to a load, voltage and current will
be determined by the master supply. Adjusting the voltage on the master will adjust the outputs on the slave supply. As the
load changes the voltage will be shared between the supplies. Note that the voltage setting on the master will reflect the actual
voltage output by the series supplies divided by two.
7.2.9 Calibration
Power supply calibration allows qualified personnel to calibrate the output voltage and current and the displayed voltage and
current. The process is very simple but it does require some specialized equipment. The required equipment is a calibrated volt
meter and a calibrated current shunt. The current shunt must be rated for at least the full rated output current of the power
supply but must not be rated at so high a current that a meaningful reading cannot be obtained at the full rated current of the
power supply.
To calibrate the power supply use the following procedure:
Enter setup mode. Once in setup mode rotate either rotary control until the CALIBRATE screen is displayed then press the
output on/off button. The following screen will be displayed.