Save config?
The following screen will be displayed.
Save config?
System set up
Power setpoint
Power setpoint
P = 606w
System set up
Rotating either control will alternate between the screen above and the screen below.
When the desired option is displayed press the output on/off button. Selecting YES will save any Setup changes to non-volatile
memory and they will be retained even when primary power is cycled. Selecting NO will not save Setup changes to non-volatile
memory and they will be in effect only until the unit is turned off.
The power supply will return to normal operating mode at this time.
Power Limit Setup
The PLS600 power supply is designed to supply up to 600 watts of output power to a load. In some applications it may be
desirable to limit the maximum power to something lower than the maximum available from the power supply. This section
describes how to set up power limiting.
Enter setup mode
Rotate the voltage or current control until the following screen appears.
Push the output on/off button and the following screen will appear.
Rotate the voltage or current control to adjust the maximum power that can be delivered by the supply. This may be in
the range of 1% to 101% of the maximum rating (6 watts to 606 watts for the PLS600).
When the power is set to the maximum desired power is displayed then press the output on/off button.
Now rotate either control until the following screen is displayed then press the output on/off button.