doesn’t hook off in the configuration of time, all automatically transferred to a predefined number (including
voice mail). The specific steps are as follows:
Step 1: user A opens the no answered forward transfer function and sets the forward number (user B)
and time of non-response;
Step 2: user C calls user A;
Step 3: user A phone will be ring, and user A did not answer for A for long time;
Step 4: after the non-response time, the call is transferred to user B, user B answers, and user B
establishes the call with user C.
DND (Do not disturb)
The DND server is "temporarily unserviceable", and users can use the service if they do not wish to interfere
with their communication during this period. After the user has enabled the service, all incoming messages
will be rejected, but the user's server is unrestricted. The specific steps are as follows:
Step 1: user A open DND function
Step 2: user B calls user A, the calling will be failed, user B calls are rejected, user A phone interface
shows "missed call"
Anonymity Calling
Anonymity calling can make the user hide his own call number, and will let his phone number display in hearing
side phone with anonymity. The specific steps are as follows:
Step 1: User A open the anonymity calling function;
Step 2: User A calls User B, user B LCD will display anonymity call number.
Refuse Anonymity Calling
Refuse anonymity calling can automatically rejects the call from the user who uses the business, and the user
automatically rejects the call when the caller calls the user anonymously. The specific steps are as follows:
Step 1: User A starts the refuse anonymity calling function, and user B starts the anonymity calling