- The Conveyor Motor is a brushless 24 VDC gear motor. The motor receives current from the
OMC through three (3) wires; 1) A black or "W" phase, 2) a white or "V" phase, and 3) a red or
"U" phase. They carry between 18 to 24 VDC. Each wire is energized by the OMC in sequence to
provide power to the individual stator coils which, in turn, provide motor rotation. To determine
the rotor position and send this position to the controller, three (3) Hall Effect switches are utilized.
They read the rotational information from a disc mounted on the rotor assembly. This information
is transmitted to the OMC by three (3) wires; I) an orange "U" phase pole signal output, 2) a green
"V" phase pole signal output, and 3) a green/white "W" phase pole signal output. These are lo
cated in a plug that inserts into the OMC I or OMC2. There are two (2) additional wires in this
plug; I) a purple wire which is supply voltage for the pole sensor, and 2) a gray wire that is
ground. The OMC, using an internal logic circuit, energizes the stator coils to provide proper rota
tion and sets the energization (phase) timing to obtain the desired belt speed set on the controller.
The motor drives an integral gear box that reduces the motor output speed to give the correct travel
time to the conveyor belt. The integral gear box is sealed and permanently lubricated with grease.
The ratio is 1/200. This motor contains no serviceable parts. The OMC will detect if the conveyor
belt has a jam by monitoring the rotor signal. If the signal falls more than 25% below the expected
rate a jam is detected. This action will stop the conveyor and display an alarm on the LUI. To reset
the alarm press and hold "Time" key for IO seconds.
M3 - The Flow Path Pressure Generating fan supplies combustion air for the Burner. It is con
trolled by turning on and off the main power button. A filter is provided to ensure clean air.
1) P 1- Not Used- Digital Input
2) P2- RS-485 Cable To LUI
1) +SV
2) 485-
3) 485+
4) Ground
3) P4
1) +24 Remote Switch
2) +24 Power (In) Switch
3) Relay +24 Switched (Out)
4) PS- Elan Progra mming
5) P6- Elan Serial Port
6) P7- Jumper For OMC 1 or 2
7) P8- Thermocouples
1) Red (-)
2) Yellow (+)
8) P9- Conveyor Motor
9) PIO
10) Pl 1
1) Motor SA
2) Motor SB
3) Motor SC
4) Hall +SV
5) Hall HC+
6) Hall HB+
7) Hall HA+
8) Ground
9) Not Used
1) Current Sensor
2) Current Sensor
3) 24 VDC( -) Ma in Power
4) 24 VDC( +) Ma in Power
1) +24 VDC To Ma in Fan
2) -24 VDC Ground To SSR
- The Oven Control reads selections or parameters from the LUI. It holds the logic for the
conveyor controls and the temperature controls. The OMC will turn on or off SSR's, start and stop
Ml, send the call for heat signal, reads the thermocouple and monitor the current sensor.
PB - The Power Block is a connection point for multiple wires of different gauges.
Technical Support US: 888-443-2751
Technical Support INTL: 316-943-2751