Click the “Automatically adjust for daylight saving changes” checkbox to automatically update the
time changes caused by daylight saving.
Time zone:
The default setting is GMT.
Time mode:
The default setting is Set manually.
Synchronize with computer time:
Sets the time according to the clock on your computer.
Synchronize with NTP Server:
This option will obtain the correct time from an NTP server
every 60 minutes. The NTP server's IP address or host name is specified in the time server.
Set manually:
Using this option allows you to manually enter the date and time.
Date & Time Format:
Select one of the Date and Time format.
Date Format:
The default setting is YYYY-MM-DD.
Time Format:
The default setting is 24 hours.
- Click the Save button to save the settings, or click the Reset button to clear all of the information
you entered without saving it.