Twin WAN Series – User Guide | v1
ARP Proxy
Enable this option ONLY if the LAN port has an IP Address in the same address range as
the WAN port(s). This means that all PCs using this Gateway must have valid fixed
external (internal) IP addresses. When
, enter the IP address ranged used on your
LAN Any IP provides Internet access through the router to any PC or device with an IP
address. This provides true Plug and Play when adding new PCs or networking devices to
your network.
DHCP Client List
This table shows the IP addresses which have been allocated by the DHCP Server
function. For each address which has been allocated, the following information is shown:
Name -
The hostname of the PC. In some cases, this may note be available.
MAC Address -
The physical address (network adapter address) of the PC.
IP Address -
The IP address allocated to the PC.
Type -
Indicates IP address to be dynamic or static.
Status -
Displays the current status of the DHCP client; shown either leased or
Time Left -
This displays the time left of the leased IP Address.
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