CMP voice compression is ac�ve.
squelch is ON.
voice triggered TX control func�on is ON.
AGC control is set to Slow (alterna�vely AGC-F, AGC-AUTO, AGC
se�ngs may be indicated)
supply voltage display.
Current opera�ng mode in use is USB. (LSB, CW, CW-R and AM modes are
alterna�ve values)
As the split mode symbol is indicated between VFO-A and VFO-B, VFO-A
is the current receive frequency and VFO-B is the transmi�ng frequency.
Without the “Split” indicator the text VFO-A and VFO-B indicate the
frequencies of the two VFOs.
SPL split frequency receiving & transmi�ng mode is ac�ve.
Loudspeaker mode. A short press-in of the volume knob switches between
earphone and speaker modes.
All bu�ons locked symbol – se�ngs cannot be changed un�l the bu�ons
are unlocked again.
While receiving, the received signal strength is
indicated by the green/red line and can be read
During transmission the SWR meter displays the standing-wave
ra�o value of your antenna system.
This chart Indicates the se�ngs of the DSP receiver filter
off against the top row of figures. When in transmit mode, the same indicator
can be read against the bo�om line indica�ng the power being transmi�ed.