Using AutoCal or ColorCal
Retrieve the Measurement Page from the copier.
Click Measure in the Get Measurements pane.
If you chose the AutoCal method, skip to
If you chose the ColorCal method, an alert message appears, asking if you want to
calibrate the copier’s scanner.
If you are using ColorCal and want to calibrate the scanner, click Yes.
Choose the Input Tray to use for the scanner measurement page and click Print.
Retrieve the scanner measurement page from the copier.
Place the Kodak Gray Scale strip, Kodak Color Control Patches strip, and scanner
measurement page in the correct positions on the copier glass for scanner calibration.
Place the Gray Scale strip face down on the copier glass so that it is centered along the
top edge of the scanner measurement page. Then place the Color Scale strip face down
on the copier glass so it is centered below the Gray Scale strip. Finally, place the
scanner measurement page (second one printed) face down over the strips.
From the Copier Control Panel, choose Menu >Scan >Job Template.
Choose ColorCal as the desired calibration template.
Do not use the screen to edit the Template Description or make any other changes.
Press the Xerox DocuColor 3535 Scan button (large green button).