Workflow Scanning
ColorQube™ 9201/9202/9203
Quick Use Guide
to scan the originals and process the
Workflow Scanning
Remove the originals from the Document Feeder or glass when scanning
has completed.
Workflow Scanning
job enters the job list ready for filing.
The scanned images are filed to the location specified on the template
ready for retrieval by the user.
Additional WorkFlow Features
Advanced Settings tab
Image Options:
Use this feature to adjust the lightness or darkness of
the output.
Image Enhancement:
Use to automatically reduce or eliminate the dark
background resulting from scanning colored paper or newspaper.
Adjust the output resolution, to achieve the required scan
Quality/File Size:
Use to enhance the quality of the output based on the
type and quality of the output required.
Update Template:
Update existing templates that have been changed or
new templates have been created since the last update.
Advanced Settings tab
Original Orientation:
Set the direction the originals are loaded in the
Document Feeder.
Original Size:
Use this option to specify how the system determines the
size of the originals, or to select Custom or Mixed Size originals.
Edge Erase:
Use this feature to erase spots, unwanted lines, marks and
punched holes that appear on your original but are not required on the
scanned image.