Fault Details window
By default, the UI automatically opens a Details window which provides additional
information about the alert, warning, or fault (as shown in the following illustration).
However, you can select whether or not you want this window to open automatically or
to open only when the user clicks on the alert, warning, or fault message in the machine
mimic and message area of the UI.
Setting the default value for Fault Details Window
Use the following procedure to choose the default setting for this feature.
1. Select the Logon button from the UI and logon as the Administrator.
2. Select the System Settings button.
3. Select whether or not you want any machine faults to automatically display on the
UI when they occur.
• Do Not Display Automatically: Select this option if you do not want the fault
Details window to open automatically when an alert, warning, or fault occurs.
• Display Automatically: Select this option if you do want the fault Details window
to open automatically when an alert, warning, or fault occurs.
4. Select OK to save the change and close the System Settings window.
Related Topics:
Logging on as Administrator
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Color 800/1000 Presses
System Administration Guide
System Settings