Test Print option for 2nd Bias Transfer Roll
When using the 2nd Bias Transfer Roll option, always run test prints and evaluate the
output before continuing. When the Test Print button is selected, the Test Print Setup:
2nd Bias Transfer Roll window is displayed:
When the Start button is selected, there are always eleven (11) test prints generated:
• 5 test prints will have more bias applied to them (more transfer voltage)
• 5 test prints will have less bias applied to them (less transfer voltage)
• 1 test print will be the median range (this is test print number 6)
The 11 test prints are sent to the output area in the N-1 order (with test print 11 being
the last one printed and the top one on the stack of prints).
Related Topics:
Running the first set of test prints
Evaluating the first set of test prints
Adjusting the test prints
Selecting the 2nd Bias Transfer Roll settings
Running the first set of test prints
When running test prints for the first time, simply select the desired tray, sides images
(Side 1 or Sides 1 and 2), and the Color Mode, and then select Start.
Color 800i/1000i Presses Xerox
Color 800/1000 Presses
System Administration Guide
Test Print option