Evolve User Manual V1.0 by XDynamics Limited
Please ensure all firmware is up to date and follow on screen instructions if any variance from the
instructions outlined below.
1. For safety remove the propellers from the drone
2. Make sure the GS and drone are powered on and connected
3. Navigate to the accelerometer calibration page on the smart pilot APP
4. Press “start” on the accelerometer calibration page
5. Ensure the drone is on a level surface and press “next”
6. Follow the on screen instructions for drone placement and push “next” when prompted
7. Once complete the APP will indicate a failed or successful calibration
8. If failed recycle the drone and controller power and restart at Step 1.
Accelerometer Calibration Procedures:
Drone Calibration
To calibrate the accelerometer follow these steps:
Accelerometer calibration is only required when requested by the Smart Pilot System.