User manual XC-32 XC-320 XC-4200
ttys names are : /dev/tag
use the SCO command : enable to active the logins
ex: enable tag01 tag02 tag07
VI.3.2 - Setting up the XC
On Xcell, you must setup the corresponding port(s) in "
" mode:
ROOT>> serial mode raw 5 6
ROOT>> serial speed 9600 5 6
ROOT>> serial parity none 5 6
ROOT>> serial csize 8 5 6
ROOT>> serial stopb 1 5 6
ROOT>> reset port 5 6
VI.3.3 - rawtty, rawclose
On a UNIX server, with
commands , you can adjust some
parameters of the "Rawtty" function.
WARNING !! These two commands must not be used when the Driver has been installed !
The syntax of the
command is :
rawtty [-keepalive <;delay>;] [-v1] [-d] [-u username] [-c] device xcell_IP port_num
helps to regularly check Xcell's physical presence on the network.
A request is carried out every <delay>; second(s), to check if the connection is still valid. If
there is no answer within this time range, connection is cut down.
" option enables to use command with Xcell versions previous to the 3.2 version.
" option enables to enter in debug mode.
" option enables to create a device under another user account.
" option enables to cancel created device, (ex: /dev/raw1), at the end of the rawtty
Two commands enable to increase or to decrease delay of the connected keepalive :
The first command increase keepalive delay with one second.
kill -USR1 pid_rawtty
The second decrease keepalive delay with one second.
kill -USR2 pid_rawtty
Example for a UNIX server: