s t e r e o D S P p o w e r a m p l i f i e r
a m p l i f i e r s
Tools menu
COM Setup: select COM port.
Search: search Network.
Connect: connection of the amplifier.
Disconnect: disconnect the Device.
1. Gain.
Click Gain button to set the level of the Left/right
Channel. Volume Range:-60dB to 6dB.
3. Xover.
Click the Xover button and then the parameters
of filter (slope and frequency of HPF/LPF) can be set. The
Minimum Frequency of LPF is not lower than the maximum
frequency of HPF.
4. Delay.
Click the Delay button and then the delay unit and
delay time can be set. Max delay: 8ms.
5. Phase.
Click the 180 check box to select. The reverse
phase: 0,180.
6. Limiter.
Click the Limiter button and then the threshold,
hold time, attack time and release time can be adjusted. Used
for protecting the system.
via Monti Urali, 31 - 42029 Reggio Emilia (Italy) • ph. +39 - 0522 - 557735 • fax +39 - 0522 - 393733 • e-mail: [email protected]
Help menu
Content: index of topics.
About: displays the version number of the application.
2. PEQ.
Click "PEQ" button and then the frequency, gain,
Q value and flat (on/off) of 3 band PEQ can be set.
Frequency range: 19.7Hz ~20.2kHz
Q value: 0.4~128
Gain: from -12db to 12db