How To Start Scooter
When starting the scooter, be sure the fuse in in scooter. Please make sure the battery is
charged. When ready to start scooter squeeze left brake handle while starting scooter.
There is a safety switch in the left brake handle to start scooter.
How To Replace/Install Belt
1) Loosen adjuster nuts and push wheel forward to gain slack in the belt.
2) Remove axle nut from belt side and remove axle halfway.
3) Remove old belt from sprockets.
4) Install new belt on to the front and rear sprockets.
5) Reinstall axle and axle nut.
6) Then locate the belt tension bolts. These bolts go from the rear axle to the frame.
7) When you tighten the nuts on these bolts, they pull the whole axle and wheel back,
tightening the belt.
8) Adjust the belt until there is very little deflection when pushing down in middle of your
9) These bolts also controls wheel alignment, be sure to center the wheel in the center of
10) After you have adjusted your belt and aligned your wheel tighten the axle nuts.
How To Adjust Drive Belt Tension
1) To set the belt tension, loosen the axle nuts.
2) Then locate the belt tension bolts. These bolts go from the rear axle to the frame.
3) When you tighten the nuts on these bolts, they pull the whole axle and wheel back,
tightening the belt.