Troubleshooting: Could It Be A Bad Connection To Terminal?
We've have found at times when the steps have been taken do not resolve the issue, it's
commonly a wire to terminal issue. Possibly when a terminal was soldered to a wire end
the connection was not good. Either the insulation was not stripped off enough to expose
the bare wire for soldering or the soldering itself is not good. This type of condition can
cause various symptoms at different times.
The terminals can be removed from the connectors by using a small jeweler
’s screwdriver
or wire such as a straightened out large paperclip. There's a small metal tab on the
terminal that is angle to catch on the connector housing to secure the terminal in the
connector. By pushing or flattening the metal tab from the wire side of the connector you
can pull the wire and terminal out of the connector. Carefully angle the tab back out
slightly so it will catch when re-installed. Check the wire to terminal connection condition,
solder, etc. and repair accordingly.
It's suggested to do this one wire at a time to confirm the wires remain in the correct
position or label or diagram in such a way you can reassemble in the correct positions.
Troubleshooting: Scooter Is On But Not Running
Follow the wire from the left handbrake down under the foot plate. Unplug this wire. There
is a safety in that brake that will not allow the motor to run when the brake is being applied.
Make sure the rear wheel is off of the ground, then try turning the throttle with this
Troubleshooting: Scooter Will Not Turn Off
Place the scooter off the ground so the rear wheel will not touch the ground. You do not
want your scooter to take off. Take the footplate off. Disconnect the throttle clip under the
footplate, then turn the scooter on and see if it still runs. If it does, you will need a new