F) Wires behind fuse assembly have come off due to improper replacement of fuses or loose wire
connections to the battery. This is always due to the customer rotating the whole fuse assembly
(when changing fuses) and twisting the 2 wires that are in the back of the fuse holder. You must
open up scooter and reattach these wires to back of fuse assembly or to battery and control box. If
this is the problem the lights WILL work when you have the charger plugged in.
Troubleshooting: Charger
The charger is a handy tester to check the wiring connections on the battery pack all the way thru
the fuse holder into the controller. Some chargers have a single light and some have 2 lights on
them. When plugged into the wall you will either have a GREEN light or a GREEN/RED light.
Check with the supplied manual for light status conditions. Then when you plug into the scooter
the charger should change state indicating batteries found and charge mode started and the lights
should change to RED or RED/RED. If you plug the charger into the scooter and no change
appears, this means that you have an open circuit which could be a fuse not installed or power
plug not plugged into bottom of battery pack or a bad connection. All Chargers should change
state even for a few minutes if batteries are fully charged. When the batteries are done charging
the lights will go back to the state of GREEN or GREEN/RED means done charging.
Troubleshooting: Hub Motor Tests
1. With any one of the three sensors disconnected the moped will run very jerky. It may stop but
will start again if the throttle is release and then turn.
If two or more sensors are disconnected the motor will not start.
3. If two of the sensor leads are swapped around the motor will try to run but hardly moves.
Controller is lost as to motor position.
If any of the motor leads are disconnected the motor will not run.
If the throttle is turned all the way open and the wheel is not allowed to turn the controller will
shut off power within a few seconds. The throttle must be released to reset.
When the throttle is held wide open and the scooter is only allow to barely moving the
controller will continue to supply full power and the wires will get very hot. (wires may melt
if this is done for very long)
Sensor Test:
Use a digital voltmeter set to read ohms for these test. Disconnect all motor wires from the
controller. The red lead of the voltmeter must be positive when using the ohm scale. Place the
black meter lead on the black sensor lead for the next four tests. If the sensors are good you should
get around these readings. There should not be a great amount of difference.